The third mode is Overwatch, where two players take different roles to complete an objective with one player as the operative who undertakes said objectives and is armed with short range firearms and binoculars that can be used to tag enemies for the second player, who takes the role of a sniper who covers the operative throughout. Bombing Run is a mission based mode where players must search the environment in order to repair a truck to escape before the entire area is bombed. While players can compete for higher kill counts, both must keep each other alive and work together. Kill Tally is a mode where two players fend off increasingly numerous and difficult waves of enemy soldiers and vehicles in an enclosed environment with an infinite supply point of ammunition and explosives.
Sniper elite v2 nazi zombie army xbox 360 series#
V2 supports online multiplayer where players engage in cooperative play in a series of game modes.

The game will also measure notable shots by briefly displaying distance and other factors like whether it was a head shot or moving target.

This method can also be used against military vehicles by targeting fuel tanks and valves, and can even detonate fuel canisters and artillery shells marked with red paint. Sniping can also be used to shoot the enemies' own grenades, killing them and anyone nearby. Ī major feature of V2 is the "X-Ray Kill Cam" where a successful and skilled shot will be followed in slow motion from the bullet shooting out of the sniper rifle to the target where upon impact the player will be shown an anatomically correct X-ray style reveal of the body part being hit and the damage the bullet causes to the target's organs and bones. Another key ability is that when the player character is spotted, their last movements and position to the enemy is shown as a white-outlined figure, potentially allowing the player to escape that area while enemy soldiers fire at the wrong target. Different postures, including crouching or lying down on the front, can also steady a shot, and the player character also has the ability to take a deep breath which from their perspective appears to slow down time. Bullets can ricochet off surfaces or targets and strike others. When using the sniper rifle, certain elements can determine the outcome of a shot, taking realistic ballistics into consideration such as wind direction and strength and bullet drop potentially altering the shot through the scope. Binoculars can be used to tag enemies in view, displaying their position and movements to the player. In addition to hand grenades, the player can deploy tripwire booby traps, anti-infantry land mines, and dynamite. The sniper rifle is the primary weapon throughout the game, with a variety of submachine guns and pistols available as side arms. Set in World War II, the player character utilises appropriate weapons for the era. Most of the single player campaign missions provide multiple routes for the player to take, including multi-story buildings and side streets, to get vantage points and to hide from pursuing enemies. Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person tactical shooter that emphasizes a less direct approach to combat, encouraging the player to use stealth and keep their distance from enemy soldiers. That was awesome.If a successful sniper kill shot is made, the "Kill-Cam" shows the camera following the bullet from the rifle to the target, with its entry and exit in X-Ray vision. It pretty much made its money back on the day of release. “So we just put it out there and it’s been very very good business and we’ve created a lot of fans who just like a straightforward gory shooter against zombies. And we obviously didn’t have much money to market it.” We hoped people would take it in the slightly tongue in cheek way it was meant with the title. You had to go via a third party and do a deal with somebody else. “Before there wasn’t really the possibility of self-publishing, so you couldn’t even begin to think about it. Rebellion boss Jason Kingsley said the studio was also considering the possibility of self-publishing the game on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Rebellion explained the sequel to Eurogamer, with creative head Tim Jones saying that “we really wanted to heighten the demonic, nightmarish tones of the first game.” Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army is a four-player co-op spin-off to Sniper Elite V2. The original game, which Rebellion says was a “gamble,” was released in February 2013 and “pretty much made its money back” on the first day of release.
Sniper elite v2 nazi zombie army xbox 360 Pc#
The sequel will be released on the PC before the end of the year. UK developer Rebellion has announced Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 for the PC.